
The most important reasons for the emergence of white hair and the method of treatment

Many people have a fear of the problem of the emergence of white hair because it is often a harbinger Ptkdmhen in a lifetime making women Akthern of dyes and chemicals that put them on the scalp to hide the white hair and thereby harm the hair and scalp without feeling too much. So we will give the day the most important reasons that lead to the appearance of gray hair and appropriate solutions to get rid of it.

The reasons for the emergence of white hair:

1- tension and nervousness constantly: When a woman is the status of permanent nervous tension and lead to the emergence of white hair has. Therefore, you must learn how to control Ms. nerves and alleviate the tensions and pressures of life and the practice of sport and relaxing yoga to relieve the pressure dramatically.

2-genetics play a role in the emergence of white hair : Genetics is the primary determinant of the time of the appearance of white hair, but may increase or decrease some of the factors of influence of genetics in graying.

3-white hair occurs because the person to follow unhealthy habits: Some unhealthy habits caused the appearance of white hair, such as smoking and drinking alcohol, for example, notes that women smoked then shows early graying more than its peers. 

4-increased intake of certain foods leads to graying:  Some foods and foods lead to the emergence of white hair like drinking tea and coffee and eating foods dazzling and frequently added spice and fried foods also. So should limit the intake of these foods to mitigate the appearance of white hair. 

5-emotional trauma caused the appearance of white hair:  Some women suffer severe emotional trauma which leads to the appearance of white hair on a temporary basis, and had but after the improvement of the mental state may return the hair to its natural color. 

Solutions to help get rid of the appearance of white hair: 

The emergence of white hair can not be arrested once but can mitigate and reduce the rates of appearance dramatically since the emergence of white hair is caused by the absence of the pigment melanin from the roots of the hair. 

Among the most important ways to help minimize and reduce the appearance of white hair: 

1-Walking barefoot: According to walking barefoot on soft grass in the early morning of dramatically reducing the appearance of white hair. 

2-natural juices daily intake: You must replace the soft drinks that many people drink it with food juices natural juice islands is very useful in getting rid of the appearance of white hair. 

3-increased intake of vitamins : Sometimes be caused by the appearance of white hair is a lack of vitamin B12 in food. Therefore, you must increase the intake of food containing vitamin A and vitamin B. Examples of foods containing these vitamins vegetables are dark green and yellow color, such as spinach, carrots and mallow. Examples of foods containing vitamin B12 is necessary to prevent and minimize the appearance of white hair are bananas, tomatoes, cabbage, milk, yeast, meat and eggs. It can also be necessary to take these vitamins Kemtemmat food in the form of pills.  

4-eat foods containing high levels of iodine:Iodine is useful in preventing the emergence of white hair, and foods containing iodine dramatically fish, bananas and carrots. It can replace common salt used in food thereby containing iodine.

5-increasing intake of foods containing minerals:Metals major role in maintaining the health of the body in general also have a significant role in preventing the emergence of gray hair because it will lead to the improvement of the pigment melanin colored hair. Among the most important minerals is copper because it keeps the pigment melanin, and food containing copper spinach, sunflower seeds, mint, potatoes, tomatoes and ginger. 


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